

ArlukeとSanders(1994)は、これを“Caring-Killing Paradox”(世話と殺害のパラドックス)と呼びました。そしてReeveら(2006)は、米国のアニマルシェルターにおける安楽死実施者のストレスの実態について調査を行い、“The Caring-Killing Paradox: Euthanasia-Related Strain among Animal-Shelter Workers.”(「世話と殺害のパラドックス:アニマルシェルター職員に蔓延する安楽殺関連ストレス」)と題した論文でこう結論付けています。


The current study represents the first quantitative investigation of the psychological ramifications of euthanasia-related work. Results indicate that perceived euthanasia-related strain is prevalcnt among shelter employees and is associated with increased levels of general job stress, work-to-family conflict, somatic complaints, and substance use; and with lower levels of job satisfaction. Analyses provide evidence that euthanasia-related work has a significant negative relation with employee well-being independent of its relation with generalized job stress. Exploratory analyses also suggest that individual, work, and organizational ditrerences may influence the level of perceived stress and appear to be associated with certain aspects of employee well-being. The need for future research of this topic and its relcvance to a wide range of applied psychologists is discussed. 

