

米国においては、譲渡促進を目的にアニマルシェルターやレスキューグループ※1間で動物を輸送することが広く行われています。そのことはASV(シェルター獣医師会)の”Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters(2010)”※2に”Animal Transport”という節が設けられていることからもわかります。



For many animals, animal transport is a life saving measure, but it also poses risks. Animal transport programs have the potential to spread infectious diseases along animal transport corridors and to new destinations. The stress of transport may increase susceptibility to infection or increase viral shedding. Risk of exposure to infectious disease is increased when animals who originate from multiple sources are transported in the same vehicle. In addition to affecting the individual animals transported, transportation programs may impact other animals at the source and receiving shelters in both positive and negative ways. Therefore, risks and benefits for all animals affected by a transport program must be carefully weighed. Reasonable care and precautions help minimize the risk, and well planned transport programs can be very successful.





※1 「レスキューグループ」とは、アニマルシェルターを持たない草の根の「動物愛護団体」と考えてよいでしょう。

※2  https://www.sheltervet.org/assets/docs/shelter-standards-oct2011-wforward.pdf