飼い主がいない猫のTNRや保護のありかたについて、さまざまな議論がありますが、英国の動物福祉団体であるInternational Cat Careは単純明快にその二者を使い分けています。
International Cat CareはTNR推進団体ですが、Cat Friendly Homing(CFH)という譲渡プログラムも提唱しています。その原則は※1
・Only cats which are suitable to live as pets should go through the ‘homing’ process
・Time spent in any homing centre should be as short as possible because cats find the experience stressful and there is a greater risk of spread of disease when large numbers of cats are kept in close proximity.
・No cat should ever be worse off as a result of human intervention
・Confinement should only be part of the cat’s journey to a new home and not a permanent or prolonged situation
・Each cat should be treated as an individual taking into account its own requirements
・All cats and kittens should be neutered at the earliest opportunity and before they go to new homes in order to guarantee that they will not have kittens which could potentially add to the population of unwanted cats
・Cats obviously not suited to homing as pets (feral, street and community cats) should not go through the CFH process but be found solutions using TNR
International Cat Careは飼い主のいない猫の対策はTNRが主であるとしながら、ペットとしての適性がある捨て猫や迷い猫については、保護し譲渡することもアリとしているのです。
※1 https://icatcare.org/unowned-cats/cat-friendly-homing/
※2 community catsはその地域に住み着いている猫の総称で、訳語としては「地域の猫」が正しいのですが、「地域猫」との混同を避けるためあえて「野良猫」と訳しています。