
英国の動物愛護団体International Cat Careは、迷い猫(stray cats)や捨て猫(abandoned cats)を含む”pet cats”については野外生活に向かないため、保護・譲渡すべきとしています。※1


・Unwanted cats that are friendly towards people (pet cats) should have the opportunity to live with people in homes that particularly suit their individual needs, for example, some cats will be adapted to living an indoor lifestyle or with attentive owners




・It is important to remember that the demand for pet cats (particularly pre-owned ones) differs from country to country and if there is no demand then confining cats with the view to homing should not be considered as an option. 




では、人慣れした野良猫を保護・譲渡すべきでしょうか。米国のTNR推進団体のAlley Cat Alliesはこう述べています。※2


You may wish to try to find foster or adoptive homes to get some of the highly socialized cats adopted, but please know that adoption is not a necessity for socialized community cats. Regardless of level of socialization, if a cat is living and thriving outdoors now, he or she will continue to do so once returned to their outdoor home. Many community cats are deeply bonded to the other cats in their colony and returning to them will be in their best interest.



Alley Cat Alliesは人慣れした野良猫の譲渡自体を否定はしませんが、人慣れしている野良猫を全て保護・譲渡すべきとは考えていないようです。


※1 https://icatcare.org/unowned-cats/the-different-needs-of-domestic-cats/finding-solutions-according-to-the-cats-needs/

※2 https://www.alleycat.org/resources/how-to-help-community-cats-a-step-by-step-guide-to-trap-neuter-return/