




8:45~12:00 午前中の手術(獣医師)

Veterinarian will spay & neuter all morning patients. Vet should be in surgery no later than 9:00 am. 





Goal to have four or more surgeries completed in the first hour and continue at a pace of 5-7 animals per hour for a total of 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 hours of total surgery time. Many clinics set a goal to finish dog surgeries before breaking for lunch; with cats after lunch.



Good flow requires the next patient already in place on the second table, prepped for surgery, at the time the current surgery is being closed. This enables the veterinarian to change gloves, acquire suture and begin the next surgery with no downtime in between.



8:40~12:00 スタッフによるサポート(看護師および助手)

Technician & Assistants will induce and prep all morning patients, assist doctors, monitor & recover animals, clean & sterilize instruments. Laundry



8:30~9:30 朝の事務対応(事務長および事務員)

Admin staff enter all data and take all messages off answering machine. Phones should be answered immediately. 



9:30~12:00 午前の事務対応(事務長および事務員)

Data entry should be finished. OS answers phones, greets walk in clients and communicates with all public & volume clients. The OS will also assist with laundry and cleaning & sterilizing instruments when needed. May need to have OS clock-out or have different part-time office support for the afternoon to avoid overtime. 



※ https://www.aspcapro.org/sites/default/files/asna_daily_flow.pdf