アニマルシェルターにおけるエンリッチメント⑤ エンリッチメントのヒント



Provide variety(多様性を持たせる)

Offer a range of items (i.e. toys) and experiences (i.e. types of music, different scents, etc.) and rotate their use to keep things interesting and reduce habituation.



Beware of overstimulation(過剰な刺激に注意する )

While stimulating the animal mentally and physically is the goal of enrichment, overstimulation can increase stress levels (i.e. playing music at too loud of a volume or for the entire day).



Consider individual preferences(個々の好みを考慮する) 

Consider individual preferences and keep in mind that preferences might change. If an animal seems disinterested in a particular enrichment item, try something different. Spend some time identifying things that the animal seems to truly find motivating or reinforcing.



Keep it positive(常に正の強化を用いる) 

If training is used as an enrichment tool, all training methods used, to comply with this best practice, must be based in positive reinforcement. Punishment, force or interactions that are stressful for animals are not an acceptable component of an enrichment program.



「正の強化」(positive reinforcement)とは、動物が「好ましい」行動を発現した際に報酬を与え、「好ましい」行動の発現頻度を増加させようとする強化の手法です。逆に「好ましくない」行動を発現した際に叱る、暴力などの罰を与え、「好ましくない行動」の発現頻度を減少させようとするのが「正の罰」(positive punishment)で、現代の学習理論では極力避けるべきとされていますし、体罰などもってのほかです。


※ ”Animal Enrichment Best Practice” SAWA(2017)