アニマルシェルターにおけるエンリッチメント⑧ エンリッチメントにおける安全確保




Give enrichment items that are edible (i.e. bully sticks or rawhide) or less durable (i.e. plush toys) at times when they can be monitored.


If individual animals destroy and ingest bedding or toys, mount clear, noticeable enclosure signage indicating which items are allowed (and/or not allowed). Offer destructive animals robust toys, such as those made of hard rubber and sturdy canvas. If an animal ingests any non-food materials, notify a veterinarian immediately.




Staff and volunteers assisting in enrichment activities should be trained in safe and effective animal handling and how to read animal body language.



Assemble and make available kits that include relevant safety items by species. For example, a dog play group might require a kit that would include an air horn, citronella spray and Kevlar gloves, while a kit for working with fearful cats might include a towel and a feral cat box.



Even when proper safety precautions are taken injuries can occur. It is vitally important that all staff and volunteers report all injuries no matter how slight, in keeping with your shelter’s injury reporting protocol.



Some animals exhibit fear, arousal or aggressive behavior that could pose a safety concern to staff/volunteers. Enrichment provided to these risky animals should involve strategies that require no contact or protected contact (e.g., interaction through the barrier of the enclosure). If these animals are removed from their enclosures, at least two people should be present.



Always work in pairs (or more) when conducting dog playgroups. Create a thorough protocol around the playgroup process to include safety of the animals and the staff and volunteers running the playgroups. Include intervention and reducing tension between dogs, how to break up a dogfight, and what items are in the safety kit and how to use each item.



※ ”Animal Enrichment Best Practice” SAWA(2017)