アニマルシェルターにおけるエンリッチメント⑩ エンリッチメントのモニタリング②






• Poor appetite.(食欲不振)

• Persistent retreat or hiding.(ずっと引っ込んだり隠れたりする)

• Hostile interactions with other animals or people.(人間や他の動物に対して敵対的)

• Reduced activity or inhibited movement(活動の低下または動きの阻害)

• Increased activity or hyperarousal(活動の増加または覚醒亢進)

• Social withdrawal (no or little interaction with people or other animals)(人間や他の動物との交流がないか、極めて少ない)

• Barrier frustration or aggression (lunging and vocalizing when animals and/or people approach or pass by a dog’s kennel or a fence)(障害物の欲求不満または攻撃性(動物や人が犬小屋や柵に近づいたり通りかかったりしたときの突進や発声))

• Compulsive behaviors (e.g., repetitive spinning, pacing, patterned movements, excessive, self-injurious grooming, excessive vocalization)(強迫行動(例:反復的な回転、ペーシング、パターン化された動き、過度の自傷行為、過度の発声))

• Panting when not hot(暑くないのにあえぐ)

• Trembling(ふるえ)

• Yawning, sometimes repetitive or exaggerated, and lip licking (dogs)(あくび、時には反復的または大げさな、唇をなめる(犬))

• Body language indicating fear or anxiety, such as tensed muscles, a crouched posture, wide eyes, flattened ears and a tucked or lowered tail.(筋肉の緊張、しゃがんだ姿勢、広い目、平らな耳、しっぽを押し込んだり下げたりするなど、恐怖や不安を示すボディランゲージ)

• Physical ailments, such as persistent diarrhea(下痢が続くなど体調不良)





General animal flow (Length of Stay, Euthanasia and Adoption Rates) should be monitored monthly (divided by species). 



・This allows for enough time to get meaningful data and still be able to react to it in a timely manner. 



・Comparisons are generally made to the same month in previous years.





※ ”Animal Enrichment Best Practice”SAWA(2017)