いわゆるスペイクリニックに持ち込まれる猫は、飼い猫の場合もありますが、大半は外猫(Free-roaming cat)です。外猫は多くの場合、人道的な捕獲器で捕らえられ、捕獲器ごとクリニックに持ち込まれます。洗濯ネットに入れられ、ケージに移し替えられていることもあります。こういった猫は、飼い猫とは異なる取り扱いが必要です。ASPCAの「マニュアル」の記述を見ていきます。
Free-roaming cats who arrive at the clinic in a humane trap or transfer cage are generally more afraid and agitated than well-socialized cats who arrive in carriers.
Traps or transfer cages that hold community cats should be covered with a bed sheet or other thin fabric while they are at the clinic and do not need to be observed for anesthetic induction or recovery. Covering the cats provides them with a sense of security, helps keep them calm and can prevent self-induced traumatic injuries.
community catを収容した捕獲機や移送用ケージは、クリニックにいる間はベッドシーツなどの薄い布で覆っておくべきで、麻酔の導入や回復の様子を観察する必要はありません。覆うことで猫に安心感を与え、落ち着かせることができ、自傷性の外傷を防ぐことができます。
Each trap or transfer cage should be labeled with a tag that identifies the patient and the person, rescue group or shelter that brought the cat and the trap to the clinic.
There are many manufacturers and models of humane traps and transfer cages. A practitioner and the staff that will spay/neuter cats arriving in traps should be familiar with the way most common types work and how to most easily remove and replace the patient into the trap.
The doors of the traps should be secured at all times during transport to and from the clinic to ensure that the cat cannot escape.
※ ASPCA”Special Considerations for Community Cats at Spay/Neuter Clinics Best Practices for Medical and Management Protocols”p3