TNR手術の手順⑨ 妊娠中・授乳中の猫の避妊手術

ペットの猫の手術とは異なり、community catの手術にはいくつかの注意点があります。「マニュアル」から列挙します。



Most clinics choose to spay community cats who are pregnant when they present to the spay/neuter clinic. This is not only because of the impact of the impending litter on the population, but also because this cat may be wiser in the future and not allow itself to be trapped again, leading to multiple additional litters.

ほとんどのクリニックでは、妊娠しているcommunity catが避妊手術のために来院した場合、避妊手術(堕胎)を選択します。これは、間近に迫った出産が個体群に与える影響だけでなく、この猫が将来的に賢くなり、再捕獲を逃れて何度も出産するようなことにならないようにするためです。





A cat who is actively lactating and believed to be nursing young kittens dependent on her for nutrition should be spayed and the time frame for return should be accelerated. A flank incision approach for spay can be considered to avoid the engorged mammary tissue. The trapper may choose to go search for the kittens near the site of the trapping.



授乳中の母猫であっても、捕獲した以上は手術せずにリターンするという選択肢はありません。International Cat Care(もこう述べています。


Trapping and spaying a nursing mother may put her current litter at risk. However, releasing before neutering will mean that she will continue to reproduce and therefore risk the suffering of future litters of kittens and a further increase in population. If you identify a nursing cat ensure she is first to be spayed on the day of surgery so she can be released as soon as possible. A flank spay is also preferable in these cases.



※ ASPCA”Special Considerations for Community Cats at Spay/Neuter Clinics Best Practices for Medical and Management Protocols”p10