TNR手術の手順⑪ 回復




●SubQ or IV fluids(皮下または静脈内への補液)

●Supplemental oxygen(酸素吸入)

●Antibiotics (if indicated)(抗生物質:必要に応じて)

●Oral dextrose (to avoid hypoglycemia, especially in young kittens)


●Heat sources:(保温:)

»Heated prep solutions(皮膚消毒液の保温)

»Heating mats and discs(手術マットやディスクの保温)

»Gloves filled with warm water(お湯を入れた手袋)

»Rice socks(靴下に米を詰めて、電子レンジで加熱した保温材)

»Mylar blankets(非常用毛布)

»Heating pads or hot water circulating blankets(循環式温水毛布)

»Forced air warming systems(強制暖房)

»Fluid warmer for fluids administered(補液の保温)



Cats who are pregnant or lactating at the time of surgery require additional support and monitoring during recovery.


Any skin wounds or abscesses should be addressed during recovery.




Community cats should be returned to the trap before they are able to exhibit behaviors that will make handling difficult. Remove any collars or bands placed on the patient, and position the cat in the trap with body and neck extended.

community catは、取り扱いが困難になるような行動を起こす前に、捕獲器に戻す必要があります。患者につけられた首輪やバンドをすべて外し、体と首を伸ばした状態で猫を捕獲器に入れます。


※ ASPCA”Special Considerations for Community Cats at Spay/Neuter Clinics Best Practices for Medical and Management Protocols”p12