»Pyometra (子宮蓄膿症)
●Other health issues identified (wounds, infections)(特定されたその他の健康上の問題:傷、感染症)
●Additional medications administered or needed(投与又は追加が必要な薬)
●Change in standard post-op care(標準的な術後ケアからの変更点)
●Change in standard post-op holding time(標準的な術後観察期間の変更)
Community cats should be released at the site of trapping. That is the cat’s home. Reasonable times for the cats to be returned are as follows:
community catは、捕獲した場所に放たれるべきです。そこがその猫のすみかです。猫の一般的なリターンの時期は以下のとおりです。
●An actively lactating female cat may be returned to the site of trapping 24 hours after surgery(授乳中のメス猫は、手術後24時間以内に捕獲場所に戻します)
●Healthy male cats: 24-48 hours following surgery(健康なオス猫:手術後24時間~48時間)
●Healthy female cats: 48-72 hours following surgery(健康なメス猫 手術後48~72時間)
Confinement may be extremely stressful for free-roaming cats, so if the cat shows signs of extreme stress – repeated attempts to escape the trap or not eating – he or she should be released immediately.
If the cat has a medical problem that was identified at the time of spay/neuter surgery, postoperative holding time may be extended. If a cat is to be kept for an extended period of time, he or she must be transferred from the trap into appropriate longer term housing such as a large dog kennel with a feral cat den.
※ ASPCA”Special Considerations for Community Cats at Spay/Neuter Clinics Best Practices for Medical and Management Protocols”p13-14