TNRの際に野良猫を捕獲する方法について、米国のTNR推進団体Alley Cat Alliesはこう述べています。
・Use the proper equipment. Only use humane box traps to safely trap cats. Never use nets, darts, or tranquilizer guns, which are all dangerous and stressful to cats.
・Don’t pick up cats. For both your and the cat’s safety, don’t attempt to pick the cats up or attempt to catch them with your hands or a blanket or the like. As sweet as the cat seems, being picked up can be extremely stressful to a cat who isn’t used to interacting with people.
つまり野良猫を人道的に捕獲するためには、専用の装置が必要であるということです。International Cat Careは装置に関する共通の注意事項として下をあげています。
・You need good equipment from established manufacturers and you must be able to use it correctly
・Make a list of the equipment you need and your plans to obtain it, identify and track it, maintain and store it
・Your equipment will need to be kept clean to avoid infection and cleaning/disinfection products must be suitable for use around cats
・Everyone using the equipment will need to be trained and it may be wise to have one or two experts who can train others. Wrong use of equipment may cause harm to cats.