TNRの際に野良猫が捕獲器に入った後の人道的な取扱いについて、International Cat CareのTNRマニュアル(から見ていきましょう。
Once cats are trapped move the trap away from the main trapping area to avoid other cats being deterred, unless this may disturb other cats about to be trapped
Once you have trapped the initial batch of cats it may help to leave the site for a while and then return later when things have calmed down
If transferring to a carrier it helps to use a solid object to push against (eg. a wall). Cats should be encouraged gently (blowing or lightly tapping the trap) to move from the trap to the transfer cage. Covering the cage and uncovering the trap may encourage the cat as cats usually prefer darker spaces when feeling anxious or threatened
Traps and carriers should ideally be moved with one hand on the handle and one underneath – this reduces the likelihood of doors opening slightly under the weight
Sometimes a particularly panicked cat can be transported with the trap at a slight angle, causing the cat to focus on balance rather than trying to escape
If there are extreme weather conditions then cats may need to be moved quickly to the shelter of a vehicle (make sure in the heat that it is in shade and ventilated)
Cats may thrash about following trapping – this is perfectly normal and can be minimised by covering the trap. You may need to reassure carers and onlookers that this is okay and that the cat is not coming to any harm