Million Cat Challenge(2) Million Cat Challengeの「5つの取り組み」

Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は、このキャンペーンに賛同するアニマルシェルターが「five initiatives(5つの取り組み)」を実行し、シェルターに収容される猫の数をコントロールすることにより、シェルターにおける猫の安楽殺を減らそうとするプロジェクトです。



収容の代替(Alternatives to intake)

Provide positive alternatives to keep cats in the home or community when admission to a shelter is not the best choice.



管理された受入れ(Managed Admission)

Schedule intake of cats to match the shelter’s ability to assure humane care and safe movement through the shelter system to an appropriate outcome for every cat.



ケア能力(Capacity for care)

Match the number of cats cared for at any one time with the capacity required to support the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare for all cats in the shelter.



譲渡の障壁の除去(Removing barriers to adoption)

Expand the pool of adopters by removing barriers to adoption such as cost, process, or location.



元の場所に戻す(Return to field)

Sterilize, vaccinate, and return healthy un-owned shelter cats to the location of origin as an alternative to euthanasia.





Whether using one initiative or all five, the Million Cat Challenge is an inclusive campaign which celebrates the efforts of all shelters to save more lives.

Million Cat Challengeは、1つの取り組みであれ、5つの取り組みであれ、より多くの命を救うためのすべてのシェルターの努力を称える包括的なキャンペーンです。