Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は、「野良猫(Feral Cats)」の「収容の代替(Alternatives to intake)」の具体例として、「RTF」「地域のリソースへの誘導」を挙げています。(
RTF(Return to field)
Feral cats can be redirected to programs that provide sterilization, vaccination, and return to the location where they were found. This allows healthy un-owned cats to continue thriving in their habitat while stabilizing populations. Nuisance, environmental, and public health risks associated with these cats can be controlled more successfully as well as humanely in most cases by non-lethal means. Such strategies also more closely reflect the preference of the majority of the public, who favor allowing cats to remain where they are if euthanasia is the alternative. For shelters prohibited from sterilizing and returning cats, or without the wherewithal to do so, redirecting them to resources in the community provides an alternative to euthanasia.
Even for those shelters with the ability to perform surgery and return cats to the field, bypassing the sheltering process can save time and money and allow each organization in the community to focus on their mission. This is especially beneficial if feral cats are subject to a prolonged stray holding period prior to qualifying for release.