Million Cat Challenge(13) 「ケア能力」その6

前回述べたとおり、住居環境の整備は病気やストレスを制御し、保護猫の収容期間短縮につながります。Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)(は、保護猫の収容期間の短縮のためには住居環境の整備から始めることが理にかなっていると述べています。そして「床面積」と「2区画住居」が重要であると述べています。



Although there are many nuances to excellent housing  for shelter cats, the floor space requirements for single and group housed cats are a great place to begin: at least around 9 square feet of space for singly-housed cats, and at least 18 square feet of floor space for cats in group housing.




Double compartment housing also greatly benefits cats by keeping food, bed and litter separate and allowing cleaning and daily care with minimum disruption.




New cages or condos that meet both floor space and double compartment housing guidelines are available for purchase in a variety of materials. One of our favorite designs is compartments at least 30” inches wide in a 4 by 4 configuration with portals side to side as well as up and down.




With this set-up, four compartments can be joined into one large unit for a single cat or bonded pair whose length of stay is expected to be a little longer, or during a mega-adoption event the compartments can be divided into four singles for the day, each housing a few kittens. Alternately, existing housing can be converted into this or other flexible configurations with the installation of portals or email for information on portals for purchase.

この設定では、4つの区画を組み合わせて1つの大きな部屋にして、滞在期間が少し長い1匹の猫や仲のいいペアを収容したり、大規模な譲渡会の際には独立4区画にして、それぞれに数匹の子猫を収容することができます。また、既存の住居に「ポータル」を設置することで、このような柔軟な構成に変更することも可能です。「ポータル」の購入については、 までお問い合わせください。


