手放すことでさらに先へ(Getting farther by letting go)
アニマルシェルターによる動物の譲渡手続きが煩雑である背景には、譲渡した動物が再び同じ目に合わないように願う気持ちがあるとMillion Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は述べています(https://www.millioncatchallenge.org/resources/removing-barriers-to-adoption)。ここではASPCAのブログの記述が引用されています。
I feel that landlord checks falls into the same category as home-visits performed by many rescues. It’s an issue of control. We all take animals into our programs, provide them with food, water, medical attention, and – most importantly – a second chance for love. When someone wants to adopt an animal that we’ve invested time, money, and love in, it’s hard to let go without feeling like we have control over that animal’s future well-being. Unfortunately, no amount of landlord checks, home checks, 20-page questionnaires, or even lie-detector tests will truly give us control. I believe that “letting go” of the need for absolute control is a big step towards saving more lives. The time you spend doing landlord checks and home-visits would be much better performing adoptions and taking animals into your program.
In reality, there is little evidence that a battery of screening tests, including extensive applications, home visits, landlord checks, veterinary references, background checks, waiting periods, and visits with the entire family or their other pets does anything more than drive good adopters out of shelters and to more welcoming sources of pets.