Million Cat Challenge(23) 「譲渡の障壁の除去」その8

Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は、アニマルシェルターにおける譲渡手数料を減免する、「無料または廉価での猫の譲渡」を提唱しています(が、それが「安易な譲渡」につながるという懸念に対してどう考えているのでしょうか。



Campaigns to increase shelter pet adoptions by reducing or eliminating adoption fees have been criticized due to a perceived increase in risk of poor care, abandonment, and failure to provide adequate care in the future. There is concern that fee-waivers may lead to irresponsible impulsive adoptions or a reduction in the perceived value of the pet, leading to a poor relationship and low attachment or that free cats may be acquired for cruel purposes.




Million Cat Challengeは、入手した猫が無料か有料かということと飼い主の猫への愛着に相関関係はないとしています。


Fortunately, several studies (Weiss 2009) have found no difference in retention and attachment to cats regardless of whether or not a fee was charged. In a survey conducted at the University of Florida of more than a thousand adopters at a fee-waived event, more than nine out of 10 adopted cats were still in their homes 6-12 months later, eight of 10 had been to a veterinarian, and nine of 10 owners reported high or very high attachment scores.

幸いなことに、いくつかの研究(Weiss 2009)では、料金がかかるかどうかにかかわらず、猫の定着率や愛着に差はないとされています。フロリダ大学で行われた調査では、無料のイベントに参加した1000人以上の譲り受け者を対象に、譲渡された猫の10匹中9匹以上が6〜12ヶ月後にも家にいて、10匹中8匹が獣医師の診察を受け、10人中9人の飼い主が愛着度のスコアが高い、または非常に高いと報告しています。


These findings should not be surprising since acquiring a cat free is actually the norm in North America, and paying for a cat the exception.



