アニマルシェルターにおける動物の譲渡の手続きが煩雑である理由のひとつとして、譲り受け希望者にとって「便利な」譲渡は「安直な」譲渡につながり、遺棄や不適切飼養の温床になるという、動物保護団体の伝統的価値観があるとMillion Cat Challenge(#allthecats)はいいます。Million Cat Challengeはこういった譲渡のあり方を「根拠のないアプローチ(Unfounded approaches)」と断じています。(https://www.millioncatchallenge.org/resources/removing-barriers-to-adoption)
Although commonly performed with the best of intentions, many traditional barriers to adoption are based on tradition more than evidence for their value in protecting pets. Landlord checks, home visits, meeting the entire family (and possibly their other pets), prohibitions against households with children, frowning on those who work full time, and waiting periods all stem from the notion that a shelter staff member or volunteer is capable of judging the character and suitability of another person to care for a pet.
More commonly, adopters turned away from adopting a shelter cat will find a cat from another source, or go to another shelter armed with all the “right answers.” Sadly, many shelter pets have been euthanized while eager and qualified adopters left empty-handed.
一般的には、保護猫の譲り受けを断念した人が、他の供給元から猫を見つけたり、すべての「正解」を用意して他のシェルターに行ったりすることが多いようです。 残念ながら、多くの保護されたペットが安楽殺させられ、熱心で適格な引き取り手は手ぶらで帰ってしまうのです。
It’s unlikely that many responsible pet owners reading this have not at least once in their in their lives kept a pet in a no-pets apartment, let their pet’s vaccines lapse, or lied about their home, yard, fence, outdoor access, or references in order to have a pet. Open adoption policies treat potential adopters as adults who can make their own informed decisions with the support of the shelter.