Million Cat Challenge(30) 「元の場所に戻す」その4

Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は、アニマルシェルターがRTF(シェルターに収容された野良猫を避妊去勢手術ののちに元の場所に戻す事業)を導入するメリットについて以下のように述べています。(



Later dubbed the Feral Freedom program, RTF was a major driver for from greater than 90 percent to less than 10 percent in just a few years. It has since been copied by many other shelters seeking positive outcomes for cats whenever possible.

後に「Feral Freedom program」と呼ばれるようになったRTFは、わずか数年で猫の安楽殺を90%以上から10%以下に減少させる大きな原動力となりました。この事業は、可能な限り猫のために良い結果を出そうとする他の多くのシェルターに取り入れられました。


It is not unusual for shelters to see their live outcome rate for cats increase by 50 percent or more in a single season after implementing RTF.




Not only does RTF save the cats that are returned to their neighborhoods, but it also reduces shelter crowding, shelter-acquired disease, and the stress of overworked staff caring for cats likely to be euthanized. 




RTF frees up space that can be used to showcase adoptable cats, make room for improved cat housing, and diverts resources previously spent on holding and euthanizing community cats to supporting the care of cats remaining in the shelter. 
