Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は、アニマルシェルターがRTF(シェルターに収容された野良猫を避妊去勢手術ののちに元の場所に戻す事業)を実施する際の猫の健康上の懸念について以下のように述べています。(
Research and experience have revealed that expanding RTF to include unidentified, healthy stray cats in good body condition and old enough to fend for themselves is better for cats, communities, and the shelter. The health status of the cats is taken as direct evidence they have access to sufficient food and shelter to maintain their condition, provided they are returned promptly to the same location where they were found.
In a study of more than 100,000 stray and feral cats examined in spay/neuter clinics in six states, less than 1 percent of cats were euthanized due to debilitating conditions, trauma, or infectious diseases. (Wallace 2006)
6つの州のスペイクリニックで検査された10万匹以上の野良猫を対象とした研究では、衰弱した状態、外傷、感染症などが原因で安楽殺された猫は1%未満でした。(Wallace 2006)