Million Cat Challenge(#allthecats)は、アニマルシェルターがRTF(シェルターに収容された野良猫を避妊去勢手術ののちに元の場所に戻す事業)を実施する際の法的問題について述べています。(https://www.millioncatchallenge.org/resources/return-to-field)
Despite the tangible benefits of RTF and TNR programs for managing community cats, they are sometimes challenged by officials and opponents who claim that the programs are prohibited under local, state, or federal laws. Another objection comes with the claim that any type of RTF program constitutes “abandonment” that falls under anti-cruelty statutes.
In truth, there are no state or federal laws that address community cat management. However, laws pertaining to cats are commonly found at the local level. A review of legal precedent and common municipal ordinances found that concepts of “ownership” and “abandonment” clearly do not apply to community cat caregivers and should not be raised as a barrier to implementing RTF programs.
The process of collecting an unowned cat from the neighborhood, having it neutered, and returning it to the original location does not create an ownership relationship.