Feral Freedom(6) ステップ1:Feral Freedomの流れを知る

”The Feral Freedom Guide”には、第一段階として「Feral Freedomの流れを知る」ことがあげられています。



ステップ1:Feral Freedomの流れを知る

Feral Freedomの導入を検討する前に、その仕組みを基本的に理解しておく必要があります。そのため最初に、Feral Freedomの大まかな流れが説明されています。(p4)


1. Residents rent traps from Jacksonville Animal Care & Protective Services (JACPS) to trap “nuisance” cats. 




2. Trapped cats are brought to the JACPS shelter by residents or picked up from residents and transported by the animal control officer. Basic information about each cat is obtained to assist in determining the cat’s final disposition and in returning community cats to their territories. 




3. Each cat is put through the regular admissions process and admitted to the shelter. At that time, the cat is evaluated for the Feral Freedom program based on the information gathered and inspection of the cat. 


それぞれの猫は通常の受入れ手順を経て、シェルターに入ります。その際、収集した情報と猫の検査に基づいて、Feral Freedom事業の対象になるか否かを判定します。


4. Cats destined for the Feral Freedom program are sent to an isolation room and remain in their traps. Information about each cat, including the location where the cat was trapped, is written on the cage card that is attached to the trap. 


Feral Freedom事業の対象となる猫は、隔離室に送られ、捕獲器に入ったままの状態で置かれます。猫が捕獲された場所など、それぞれの猫の情報は、捕獲器に取り付けられたケージカードに書き込まれます。


5. Cats are transported twice a day to FCNMHP. Cats never remain at the JACPS shelter for longer than four hours. 


猫は1日2回、FCNMHP(First Coast No More Homeless Pets)に搬送されます。猫がJACPSのシェルターに4時間以上滞在することはありません。


6. Cats are sterilized, vaccinated for rabies and FVRCP, treated for fleas and ear mites if needed, and ear-tipped. 




7. Cats are kept overnight and given a meal both that evening and the next morning before being returned to their territories. 




8. Door hangers explaining the program are left at the homes surrounding the area where the cats are released. 

