Feral Freedom(22) ステップ3:パートナーとの協働 <猫の移動>

Feral Freedom事業において、Jacksonville Animal Care & Protective Services(ジャクソンビル市動物管理・保護サービス:JACPS)と、協力団体のFirst Coast No More Homeless Pets (FCNMHP) の両者が具体的にどのように協働してFeral Freedomを実施しているのか、“The Feral Freedom Guide”から見ています。



長期滞在の猫の移動(For longer stays: moving cats from traps to dens) 

As previously mentioned, cats kept longer than 72 hours are transferred from traps to suitable cages for the duration of their stay. The goal is to get cats into surgery and back to their territories within 48 hours of arrival from JACPS, counting the day of pickup and the day of release. So, for example, cats picked up on Tuesday would have surgery on Wednesday and be returned to their territories on Thursday. 




When a cat needs to be transferred from a trap to a larger cage with a litter box, feral dens from Animal Care & Equipment Services (www.animal-care.com) are used. A feral den is lined up with the trap and the cat is transferred from trap to den. The entire den is then placed into a larger cage in a cage bank. Once the cage door is securely shut, it is easy to reach in with an extension and lift the trap door on the feral den, allowing the cat to exit into the cage. 


猫を捕獲器からトイレ付きの大きなケージに移す必要がある場合は、Animal Care & Equipment Services (www.animal-care.com)を使用しています。feral den(野良猫を扱うための小さなケージ)を捕獲器と一緒に並べ、猫を捕獲器からdenに移します。その後、den全体を大きな集合型ケージに入れます。ケージのドアをしっかりと閉めたら、マジックハンドでferal denの扉を持ち上げて、猫がケージの中に出られるようにします。(p9)


Although most of the cats remain in the dens while staff are present, many of them will exit the den to use the litter box or to stretch a little when staff are out of the room. When it is time to transfer the cat back to the trap for surgery or return, the trap door is lowered while the cat is in the trap and the cat can then be transferred or transported. 



feral denの例