Feral Freedom(27) ステップ3:パートナーとの協働 <広報②>

Feral Freedom事業において、Jacksonville Animal Care & Protective Services(ジャクソンビル市動物管理・保護サービス:JACPS)と、協力団体のFirst Coast No More Homeless Pets (FCNMHP) の両者が具体的にどのように協働してFeral Freedomを実施しているのか、“The Feral Freedom Guide”から見ています。




Although the city’s current policy is to trap and return community cats, residents don’t have to simply tolerate unwanted cats. Callers who complain about nuisance cats on their property are educated in ways to humanely discourage cats from living where they are not wanted. At the start of the program, Feral Freedom stocked up on motion sensor sprinklers and offered handouts about other products to keep cats off property, but most people expressed little interest. 


市の現在の方針は、野良猫を捕獲してリターンすることですが、住民は不要な猫をただ我慢する必要はありません。自分の家の敷地内に迷惑な猫がいると苦情を言ってきた人には、望まれない場所に猫が住まないようにするための人道的な方法を教えています。Feral Freedomでは、事業開始にあたり、人感センサー付きのスプリンクラーを用意し、猫を敷地内に入れないようにするための他の製品についての資料を提供しましたが、ほとんどの人は関心を示しませんでした。(p10)


After the first year, there were very few complaints from citizens. The complaints that are received are often about specific cats in a yard rather than concerns about the overall program. It is essential to always make sure callers understand that there are really only two options for outdoor cats: either trap/ neuter/return or trap and kill. Relocation or adoption are not viable options. 




Frequently, complaints turn out to be related to domestic disputes, in which one member of the family is feeding the neighborhood cats and another member does not want the cats around. If someone isn’t already feeding the cats, it is recommended that an alternative food source be provided or that whatever is attracting the cats be removed from the property. 




This policy is consistent with the way the city handles complaints about raccoons or squirrels. The city does not remove these animals from residents’ property, and outdoor cats will not simply be removed either. Assistance is offered in trapping the cats and sterilizing them in an effort to decrease and eventually eliminate outdoor cats. The program also offers advice on how to exclude cats from residents’ property. For example, callers are counseled to use a hose or glass of water to scare off the cats. Only humane alternatives are offered, not the trapping and killing of cats. 

