Feral Freedom(37) ステップ5:実施要領の決定<協働のメリット>

Feral Freedomにおける協働のメリットについて、「ガイド」には下のように記述されています。



協働のメリットとは?(What are the benefits of forming partnerships?)

Working in partnership to create a Feral Freedom program has obvious benefits. Funders prefer to support coalitions working together to reduce the number of pets who die in shelters. Solutions can be found more quickly when different groups work together toward a common goal. Partnerships also help establish the long-term relationships required to make real progress toward the day when there will be No More Homeless Pets. The three large animal welfare groups in Jacksonville have met regularly since 2000 to discuss issues. These strong relationships have been invaluable in working together on Feral Freedom and other potentially controversial projects. 


Feral Freedom事業を立ち上げるために協働することには、明らかなメリットがあります。資金提供者は、シェルターで亡くなるペットの数を減らすために協力し合う連合体を支援したいと考えています。異なるグループが共通の目標に向かって協力すれば、解決策はより早く見つかります。また協働は、ホームレスのペットがいなくなる日に向けて真の進歩を遂げるために必要な長期的な関係を築くのに役立ちます。ジャクソンビルにある3つの大きな動物保護団体は、2000年から定期的に会合を開き、問題点を話し合ってきました。この強固な関係は、Feral Freedomやその他の議論を呼ぶ可能性のあるプロジェクトに協力する上で非常に重要なものとなっています。(p12)


It’s vital to select suitable partners. All partners must have the ability to hold up their end of the program and be committed to making it sustainable. Good partners work together to ensure the program runs smoothly. For example, if an unusually high volume of cats comes in, JACPS notifies FCNMHP so that extra transports can be assigned. And if a large number of cats are being picked up, animal control officers contact the clinic while they are still in the field to give advance notice and preparation time. 




Although the ideal situation is for the local animal control agency to handle most, if not all, aspects of this program, financial constraints often limit a government agency’s ability to enhance its services. If this is the case, local nonprofit animal welfare organizations need to assume responsibility for saving the lives of community cats. In Jacksonville, private funding was used to launch the program, with the hope that a steady funding source would be designated once the program was proven successful. 

