







しかし一部の獣医師は、少なくとも犬においては卵巣の摘出だけで子宮の疾患を予防することができると考えています。Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs (猫と犬の避妊のための同盟:ACC&D)のレポート"Contraception and Fertility Control in Dogs and Cats"(2013)にもこういう記述があります。


Reichler (2008) notes that “preference [for ovariohysterectomy versus ovariectomy] was most likely based on the presumption that future uterine pathology is prevented by removing the uterus. However, historical reviews of the short-term and long-term complications after ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy leads [sic] to the conclusion that there is no benefit and thus no indication for removing the uterus during routine neutering in healthy bitches.”




Van Goethem et al. (2006) conducted a literature review to assess whether or not ovariectomy can be considered a safe alternative to ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Researchers concluded that the procedures were equivalent in terms of long-term urogenital issues that include endometritis, pyometra, and urinary incontinence, and pointed out that ovariohysterectomy “is technically more complicated, time consuming, and is probably associated with greater morbidity (larger incision, more interoperative trauma, increased discomfort) compared with ovariectomy.” It is clear that ovariohysterectomy is a bigger surgery (Jöchle, personal communication 2012). 


Van Goethemら(2006)は、犬において卵巣摘出術が卵巣子宮摘出術に代わる安全な方法として考えられるかどうかを評価するために文献調査を行いました。研究者たちは、子宮内膜炎、子宮蓄膿症、尿失禁などの長期的な泌尿器系の問題に関して、両手術は同等であると結論づけ、卵巣子宮摘出術は「卵巣摘出術に比べて技術的に複雑で時間がかかり、おそらく大きな罹患率(より大きい切開、より多い術中外傷、不快感の増加)と関連するだろう」と指摘しました。卵巣子宮摘出術がより大きな手術であることは明らかです(Jöchle, personal communication 2012)。(p22)

