ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)は猫の望まない繁殖を防ぐため、飼い猫や保護猫への酢酸メゲストロールを短期的避妊薬として使用することを支持しています。”ASPCA Statement of Support for Veterinarians Considering Megestrol Acetate as a Temporary Contraceptive for Female Cats During COVID-19(酢酸メゲストロールをCOVID-19期間中のメス猫への一時的避妊薬として考慮する獣医師を支持するASPCAの声明)”
Megestrol acetate (MA) is a synthetic progestin that can be used as an orally administered short-term contraceptive for female cats (>4 months old) during the COVID-19 pandemic (ACC&D 2020). While use of the drug is not without potential risks, they may be outweighed during this time of crisis by creating greater opportunity for more cats and kittens to find adoptive and foster homes.
酢酸メゲストロール(MA)は、COVID-19の流行時に、メス猫(生後4ヶ月以上)の短期的な避妊薬として経口投与できる合成黄体ホルモン剤です(ACC&D 2020)。本剤の使用には潜在的なリスクがないわけではありませんが、この危機的状況において、より多くの猫や子猫の譲渡や里親の機会を作ることで、リスクを上回ることができるかもしれません。
The lowest effective dosage commonly used in other countries for contraception and suppression of heat behaviors (0.625 mg/kg or approximately 2.5 mg/cat) appears to be relatively safe; cats already showing signs of being in heat will temporarily require higher doses. Continuous weekly oral administration of MA is necessary, as cats are expected to come into heat and could become pregnant within 1-2 weeks of discontinuation of the drug. Individual dosing and regular monitoring of treated cats for adverse effects is strongly recommended. MA does not provide contraception for male cats and is therefore not recommended for that purpose.