野良猫の個体数管理法を考えていくにあたり、野良猫特有の課題がいくつかあります。ACC&D(猫と犬の避妊のための同盟)のレポート"Contraception and Fertility Control in Dogs and Cats"(2013)には、こう記述されています。
A panel discussion entitled “A Focus on Feral and Free-roaming Felines,” held during the 4th International Symposium on Non-Surgical Methods of Pet Population Control in 2010, pointed out the challenges related to how the unique characteristics of feral/free-roaming cat populations affect the structure and implementation of management strategies. The issues include (Green 2010):
2010年に開催された「第4回ペット個体群管理の非外科的方法に関する国際シンポジウム」で行われた「A Focus on Feral and Free-roaming Felines」と題するパネルディスカッションでは、野良猫/外猫の集団特有の特性が管理方法の構成と実施にどのように影響するかに関連した課題が指摘されています。その課題とは以下のようなものです(Green 2010)。(p118)
Feral/free-roaming cats can be thought of as a “herd” in terms of the health of the group. This may mean that lower response rates to a non-surgical approach than the response rate expected by a pet owner could be effective in managing a colony.
There may be potential liability involved in capturing and sterilizing cats that are owned but are free-roaming.
There is a wide range of surgical spay/neuter services from a variety of sources. A subsidized, high-volume, high-quality spay/neuter program may be available in some situations while in others, the only surgical option available (e.g., private practice veterinarian) may be cost prohibitive for cats in a colony.