
「最先端」TNRの「3つの戦略」 その1

Kortis (2014)は「Targeting」「Return to Field」「Grassroots mobilization」を「地域のTNR活動における3つの戦略(Three tactics of a community TNR program)」としています。それぞれについて概略を見ていきます。





Kortis (2014)はTargetingについてこう説明しています。


Targeting refers to getting most or all of the cats in a given area spayed or neutered. It is the opposite of doing TNR randomly and altering cats on more or less of a first-come, first-served basis without regard to where they originate. Targeting can be performed on both a colony and community level. When targeting a colony, the goal is to sterilize all the cats in that specific group. Achieving a 100% sterilization rate will eliminate reproduction, creating the best opportunity for the cats’ numbers to decline over time. On the community level, targeting involves concentrating resources, like surgeries, personnel and marketing, in part of the community — such as a neighborhood or ZIP code — in order to TNR a substantial percentage of the free-roaming cats in that section. Targeting parts of the community and not only colonies increases the pace of population reduction.



※ ” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools” Bryan Kortis (2014),p20