

コロニーレベルのTargeting(集中的TNR)について、Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools” から見ています。


Because colonies are the basic units of TNR, colony-level targeting is essential to any strategy a community TNR program decides to pursue. When targeting a part of town responsible for high cat intake, TNR in that area should proceed colony by colony with the aim of altering all the cats in each unit. If employing grassroots mobilization, the goal is similar. If a member of the public TNR’s a colony, all the cats in that colony should be sterilized.

コロニーはTNRの基本単位のため、地域のTNR活動がTargeting戦略を採用した際には、コロニーレベルのTargetingが不可欠です。猫の収容数が多い町の一部を対象にする場合、その地域のTNRは、各ユニットのすべての猫を避妊去勢することを目的として、コロニーごとに進める必要があります。Grassroots mobilization(住民参加)による場合も、目標は同じです。一般市民がコロニーをTNRする場合、そのコロニーにいるすべての猫に避妊去勢手術を施す必要があります。(p25)


The need to alter entire colonies also dictates how spay/neuter surgical slots should be allocated. A common practice for some TNR programs is to allocate by caretaker. If there are 100 slots available for one month and 25 caretakers who want them, the program will give each caretaker four slots. This may be fair in one sense, but it is ineffective population control. Many of the colonies those cats come from will have far more than four members. Sterilization levels may not become high enough for the number of cats in any of these colonies to gradually decrease. It would be more effective to allocate the slots by colony. For example, those 100 slots could go to 10 colonies with 10 cats in each.
