日本の「地域猫活動」もそうなのですが、地域ぐるみのTNRは、軌道に乗ってしまえば成功が見えてくるのですが、そこに持ち込むまでが大変です。どんなに専門家が綿密な計画を立てたとしても、実行できなければ「絵に描いた餅」で終わります。Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”においても、Outreach(普及活動)の重要性が強調されています。
Making smart tactical choices is essential for the success of a TNR program, but it is not enough by itself. In the end, identifying the right target area, accurately estimating the number of cats and lining up the required resources will have little impact if the cats themselves cannot be located and trapped. Effective outreach is critical.
In a much smaller target area, where fewer people reside and work, the same kind of outreach is unlikely to yield similar results. Many people caring for community cats may not hear the message, and among those who do, many may be unwilling to identify themselves and participate due to lack of trust, understanding or interest. For a targeted project to succeed, every effort must be made to reach these caretakers and persuade them to engage in the process in some manner, even if it is simply to report the cats’ locations and allow trapping to proceed. Otherwise, it may be impossible to attain the goal of altering a substantial percentage of the cats in the target area.