
Outreach(普及活動)~猫を探す、信頼を築く~ その2

地域ぐるみのTNRを実施する際にはOutreach(普及活動)が重要ですが、周知の方法としては、メディアを用いた「受動的」な方法と、声掛けを行う「能動的」な方法があります。Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”にはこう記述されています。


「受動的」なマーケティング(“passive” marketing)

Traditional media, such as newspaper advertising, website posts, radio spots, newsletters, and social media such as Facebook can be used at the outset of a targeted TNR project and will likely recruit a certain number of caretakers and cats. 



A second wave of more targeted marketing could include postcards mailed to target-area residents or, at a lower cost, inserts in utility or tax bills sent out by the municipality. Outdoor advertising such as yard signs, a billboard or similar signage placed at a highly trafficked location in the target area may also prove fruitful. If a vehicle will be used frequently as part of the TNR work, wrapping it in attention-getting graphics or advertising could draw a lot of attention to the project.



「能動的」なマーケティング(passive marketing)

When passive marketing no longer pulls in enough participants, the program will need to turn to active marketing methods to increase engagement with the target community. The best way forward will be “boots on the ground” efforts — passing out flyers and placing door hangers, attending community events and meetings, walking the neighborhood and talking to people about the cats. These face-to-face, door-to-door actions are the most direct way to connect with the community.



HSUS(米国人道協会)の“Pets for Life.”のような、スタッフが現場に赴き実施する低所得者向けの避妊去勢手術サービスは、第一義的にはペットを対象としていますが、そこで行われる教育活動や培われた信頼関係から、野良猫の世話人やその他住民が避妊去勢手術の必要性に気づき、野良猫を持ち込んだりします。これも能動的マーケティングのひとつといえます。(p42)