
Who does the field work? ~誰が現場で動く?~ その2

Targeting(地区を絞った集中的なTNR)を実施する際には、地元の猫の世話人をあてにすることなく、TNR実施主体が担う覚悟が必要です。では、どのような人員をどれだけ配置すればよいのか、Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”から見ていきたいと思います。



Trapping multiple cats in a colony may proceed over two or three days. Adding the time required for surgery and a day or two of recovery makes the entire process last four to six days in a row. Each day the cats are confined, they need to be fed and their traps (which serve as cages) must be cleaned twice daily. They also have to be dropped off and picked up from the spay/neuter clinic at agreed-upon times.






Depending on the total number of cats to be spayed or neutered and the time frame, the work could amount to a part-time or even full-time job. If 1,000 cats are to be captured and altered within a year, that requires a pace of about 20 cats a week. The field work process is timeconsuming and requires consistent effort and attention. If assigning anyone other than paid staff, candidates should be volunteers or groups with a history of being reliable and able to maintain a sustained effort. Problems are likely to result if the program uses only individual volunteers or small, grassroots groups who can only devote limited amounts of time at inconsistent intervals.




If unsure how much a partner can do, plan on starting off small. A reasonable goal would be to aim for a couple of hundred cats over a year in a target area where it is estimated there are a few hundred. That way, the pace will not be too demanding, the program will have an opportunity to assess the strength of field personnel and, if necessary, others from the agency can step in and take over the task.
