
飼い猫も対象にする(Including owned cats)

Targeting(地区を絞った集中的なTNR)の際に、地区内の飼い猫の避妊去勢手術も同時に行うことは非常に効率的です。その利点と意義について、Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”にはこう記載されています。


Within the area targeted, there are also likely to be unaltered cats who spend their time strictly indoors. In low-income areas, more indoor cats will tend to be unsterilized than in more prosperous locations. If resources are available, it makes good sense to get these cats spayed or neutered along with the free-roamers. Today’s unaltered indoor pet can become tomorrow’s free-roaming intact cat, so getting as many pet cats in the area sterilized as possible will help protect gains made from the TNR work. This also takes advantages of efficiencies — program and staff are already in the area and making contact with community members. It will be less work to spay or neuter all the cats while staff are there rather than come in once to do TNR, then come back another time to spay or neuter indoor pets.



normal course of events — a caretaker with a colony may mention she also has a pet cat at home who needs to be sterilized. Residents may come up to a wrapped vehicle or program staff and inquire about services for their pets. Projects can also be proactive and indicate in marketing materials that all cats, owned and unowned, indoor and out, are eligible for the program.
