何度も言いますが、Return to Field(RTF)とTargeting(targeted TNR:集中的TNR)は目的が異なる別々の事業です。両者を完全に「組み合わせる」ことが困難なのは、前回述べたとおりです。両者を柔軟に連動させる考え方について、Bryan Kortisの” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”にはこう記載されています。
While limiting Return to Field to a target area may be the most efficient and fastest method for reducing the number of community cats, other considerations weigh against this approach. It can be stressful for shelter staff if cats otherwise eligible for being returned to field are euthanized only because they do not originate from the target area. Limiting the number of returned cats will also reduce improvement in euthanasia numbers and lessen other benefits of a Return to Field program. These factors may support a decision to return all eligible cats and accept a degree of inefficiency when it comes to population control.
When combining Return to Field with targeted TNR, the same agency does not need to perform both tactics. The shelter may use its own staff and resources to alter and return eligible shelter cats while a local TNR nonprofit does follow-up trapping in the returned cats’ colonies or targets a high-intake area. Or each agency may perform different parts of each tactic. However the roles are assigned, what is critical is to have a coordinated strategy on the community level.
RTFとtargeted TNRを組み合わせる場合、同じ機関が両方の戦略をとる必要はありません。シェルターが独自のスタッフとリソースを使って、対象となるシェルター収容猫を手術して戻し、地元の非営利TNR団体が、戻された猫のコロニーでフォローアップの捕獲を行ったり、収容数が多い地域を(TNRの)対象にしたりすることができます。あるいは、各機関がそれぞれの戦略の一部を実行することもできます。どのような役割分担であっても、重要なのは地域レベルで連携した戦略をとることです。(p75)