
避妊去勢手術サービス その3

Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”には、 TNRの際に、野良猫の避妊去勢手術をできるだけ低コストで実施する方法のひとつとしてMass spay days(一斉手術)があげられています。


一斉手術(Mass spay days)

An extremely cost-efficient method for delivering spay/neuter surgeries for feral cats is a large one day or weekend clinic capable of sterilizing anywhere from 100 to 200 cats per day. These clinics bring together several veterinarians and veterinary technicians, who often donate their time. Many lay volunteers perform tasks such as check-in, cleaning ears, weighing cats, monitoring post-surgical recovery and other duties. The space used is often donated as well — a large open room with an adjoining surgical suite is ideal. Because there is a fair amount of work involved in organizing these clinics and a limit to volunteers’ availability, agencies which perform mass spay days typically hold them no more than once a month.



This method offers the advantage of making it much easier for veterinarians and veterinary staff to participate in a TNR program. Instead of trying to work feral cat spay/neuter surgeries into their own private practices, they can donate services for a day a month and still make a significant contribution. Mass spay days also offer savings from economies of scale and not having to maintain a fixed facility.



Detailed protocols for administering a mass spay day are available from Operation Catnip (www.vetmed.ufl.edu/extension-outreach/operation-catnip/), a Gainesville, Fla., agency which routinely alters 200 cats in a single day.

一斉手術を行うための詳しいプロトコルは、フロリダ州ゲインズビルで1日に200匹の猫を日常的に手術している機関、Operation Catnip (www.vetmed.ufl.edu/extension-outreach/operation-catnip/)から入手可能です。(p105)