野良猫のTNR、特に一斉捕獲を行う場合、大量の捕獲器が必要となります。必要数の捕獲器を野良猫の世話人に購入させることは非現実的なため、TNR実施機関が貸し出す必要があります。それがいわゆる「捕獲器バンク(Trap bank)」です。「捕獲器バンク」の運営について、Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”から見ていきます。
Traps purchased should be from 30 to 36 inches in length and have a sliding, guillotine-type rear door. A minimum of 30 inches is needed so the trap has enough interior space to double as a cage after a cat is captured. Absent special circumstances, such as an ill cat who needs extra care, a cat being TNR’d will be confined for no more than several days. For this short duration, the trap will adequately serve as a cage, avoiding the risks of injury and escape when cats are transferred from traps into cages. Traps also take up less room, facilitating the TNR of multiple cats at once. The sliding rear door is essential so the trap can be accessed at both ends for feeding and cleaning.
When deciding how many traps to have on hand, a good rule of thumb is to have twice the TNR program’s weekly surgical capacity. So if the TNR program plans to alter an average of 20 cats a week, it will need 40 traps. The reason for needing twice the surgical capacity is that the traps double as cages. The use of a trap as a cage begins when the cat is captured, continues through any pre-surgical holding period and ends after a minimum of 24 hours of post-surgical recovery time. This entire process can take up to several days. It will be easier to manage if the caretakers scheduled for the following week’s surgeries can pick up their traps and get started without having to wait until the current TNR projects are fully completed.