「捕獲器バンク」の運営上の注意点について、Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”から見ていきます。
In fact, traps fit well with a feral cat’s nature. When confined, ferals prefer tight, dark spaces to ones that are open and bright. As long as the cats are provided food and water and the trap is kept covered with a sheet, has the floor lined with thick newspaper and is cleaned twice a day, they do just fine. If it is necessary to place a feral in a cage for any reason, it is important to also provide a feral cat den, carrier or even a cardboard box so the cat will have somewhere tight and dark to hide.
実は、捕獲器は野良猫の性質によく合っています。野良猫は閉じ込められると、明るくて開放的な場所よりも、狭くて暗い場所を好みます。餌と水を与え、捕獲器にシートをかけ、床に厚い新聞紙を敷き、1日2回掃除していれば、問題なく飼育できます。何らかの理由で野良猫をケージに入れる必要がある場合は、feral cat den(野良猫用の小型ケージ)やキャリー、あるいは段ボール箱なども用意し、猫が狭くて暗い場所に隠れることができるようにすることが大切です。(p106)
※feral cat denはferal denやferal boxとも呼ばれる、野良猫を扱うための小型ケージです。大きなケージ内に設置して、隠れ家の代わりにすることもできます。詳しくはここを参照してください。
Regarding trap bank procedures, programs should avoid scheduling unique pickup and drop-off times for individual caretakers. When people run late or do not appear, this can waste a lot of time for program staff. Instead, it is best to designate specific one-hour or twohour periods during the week when the trap bank is open and let caretakers arrange to come at those times.
Traps will be damaged or lost in the course of events, so take deposits. The deposit does not always have to be the full value of all traps and dividers borrowed — this might be prohibitive for someone who needs a large number — but it should be enough to ensure return of the equipment. Borrowers should also be responsible for cleaning the traps prior to returning them.