
動物管理機関の役割(Role of animal control agencies)

最後に、TNR活動における行政機関としての動物管理機関(animal control agencies)の役割について、Bryan Kortis (2014)の” PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools”から引用して締めくくりたいと思います。諸般の事情により、行政機関が直接TNRに関わることはなかなか難しいのですが、後方支援ならできると思います。



An animal control agency can hasten the progress of a grassroots TNR program even if it is not actively involved in the trapping and releasing of free-roaming cats. As discussed, the return of eartipped cats to their colonies after they have been turned in to an animal control shelter will both save cats’ lives and build confidence among caretakers. This safety net requires the animal control agency to promptly notify the TNR program’s lead agency when eartipped cats are intaked.




Aligning its policies in support of TNR is another important role an animal control agency can play. These new policies could include not sending out officers to trap cats, not picking up cats trapped by others unless the cat is injured or ill or there is a public health risk and only lending out traps for TNR purposes. This sends a clear message to the community that the correct way to handle free-roaming cats is with TNR and if residents want to take another approach, they will have to do so at their own time and expense.




Animal control can also refer callers with complaints about cats to the TNR program, making it clear there is an alternative available besides removal. Finally, because of their professional standing, animal control officers and agency officials can be among the most persuasive advocates when it comes to educating residents and property owners about TNR.
