患者の優しい取り扱いと保定(Gentle Animal Handling & Restraint) その2

患者の優しい取り扱いと保定(Gentle Animal Handling & Restraint) その2

ASPCA (米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(犬猫の避妊去勢手術に特化した動物病院)の新人研修マニュアル“Just-in-Time On-boarding Manual” (2020)から、患者の優しい取り扱いと保定(Gentle Animal Handling & Restraint)について見ています。後半は演習問題編です。




1. List four signs of fear/anxiety in a dog.



A: Head turn, lip lick, whale eye, dilated eyes, body crouched, leaning away, yawning, paw raise, freezing, hypervigilant, furrowed brow, ears to the side or flat, tail high or low +/- wagging or tucked, mouth closed, lips short, snarl.



whale eyeの例

2. List four signs of fear/anxiety in a cat.



A: Head turn, lip lick, tail wrapped, body crouched, leaning away, freezing, dilated pupils, ears to the side or back, tail twitching, increased respiratory rate, whiskers back, attempting to flee.



3. Describe proper approach with a dog.



A:No direct eye contact, approach from the side or backwards, crouch to their level, if comfortable, avoid reaching for the dog, allow dog to come to you.



4. Describe proper approach with a cat.



A:No direct eye contact, approach from the side, if cat is interested, give her a finger to say hello, if she rubs it, you have permission to proceed. If she doesn’t, proceed with caution because you don’t have permission!

