コミュニケーション(Communication) その2

ASPCA (米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(犬猫の避妊去勢手術に特化した動物病院)の新人研修マニュアル“Just-in-Time On-boarding Manual” (2020)から、コミュニケーション(Communication)について見ています。



• Utilize non-verbal communications, such as laminated recovery cards for patients with special needs (high risk, scrotal wrap, IV catheter), or physical cues that indicate a task has been completed, such as a V-tray placed upright on the table meaning the table has been cleaned.




• Good communication will also help prevent two staff members attempting the same task and allows for easy redirection to complete something else. More importantly, it helps prevent emergencies.





1. Why is good communication important?



A: Good communication will help prevent two staff members attempting the same task and allows for easy redirection to complete something else. More importantly, it helps prevent emergencies.



2. What are some non-verbal forms of communication that can be valuable and efficient in a spay/neuter clinic?



A: Laminated recovery cards for patients with special needs (e.g. high risk, scrotal wrap, IV catheter, etc.), or physical cues that indicate a task has been completed (e.g. V-tray upright on the prep table means the table has been cleaned).
