麻酔中の患者の取り扱い(Handling Anesthetized Patients) その1

ASPCA (米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(犬猫の避妊去勢手術に特化した動物病院)の新人研修マニュアル“Just-in-Time On-boarding Manual” (2020)から、麻酔中の患者の取り扱い(Handling Anesthetized Patients)について見ていきましょう。



•Anesthetized patients must be carried to fully support the alignment of their neck and back to prevent injury and to ensure the trachea is not abraded or lacerated by a tube, and that joints are not stressed or overextended.





• Always move or adjust a patient from underneath instead of pulling on limbs, which can cause injury in an anesthetized animal.




・Patients 15 kgs and under body weight: Gently lift the patient’s blanket and slide your opposite hand under the patient’s head, so that their head rests in the bend of the elbow, and gather the patient’s two front feet into this hand to securely hold the head and neck for lifting. Then place the other hand centrally under the lower back and hip to securely support the patient’s body in alignment. With both hands in position, gently lift he patient and transport;
