ASPCA (米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(犬猫の避妊去勢手術に特化した動物病院)の新人研修マニュアル“Just-in-Time On-boarding Manual” (2020)の、患者の回復(Patient Recovery)について見ていきます。ここでいう回復とは、手術後の動物が麻酔から覚めることをいいます。
• Consider utilizing early extubation, which is extubation at the return of a palpebral response. The return of a palpebral response indicates that cranial nerve function has returned and that the patient is capable of protecting her/his airway. Extubation later than this can be irritating or painful due to increased laryngeal tone, which can lead to dysphoria, laryngospasm and laryngeal edema.
• All animals on the recovery mat should face the same direction with their tongues visible. Blankets and towels must be large enough to totally wrap the patient, including their head, to prevent their tongue from contaminating the surface of the recovery area. This makes them easier to monitor from a distance, and it will also help prevent disease transmission, since they won’t be breathing in another animal’s face.