緊急時の心肺蘇生法(Emergency CPR)

ASPCA (米国動物虐待防止協会)のスペイクリニック(犬猫の避妊去勢手術に特化した動物病院)の新人研修マニュアル“Just-in-Time On-boarding Manual” (2020)には、緊急時の心肺蘇生法(Emergency CPR)について触れられています。しかし実際の処置は獣医師や獣医看護師の仕事となりますので、助手としてどのようなサポートが可能であるかがメインになります。



• Have a plan and keep practicing with your whole team to gain confidence and perfect skills!



• With every practice session, utilize closed-loop communications and work directly from emergency drug charts and crash cart contents, so everyone is familiar with their use.



• Inventory emergency supplies regularly to ensure adequately stocked at all times.





1. You are prepping and your patient is apneic but has a heartbeat. What do you do?



A: Alert your veterinarian and veterinary technician. Assess anesthesia and adjust if needed.Intubate, if needed, and breathe for the patient.



2. What do you do if your patient has no heartbeat and is under anesthesia?



A: Yell, “Emergency!” Disconnect patient from the anesthetic machine. Start chest compressions.

正答:「緊急事態!」と叫びます。 麻酔器から患者を外します。胸骨圧迫を開始します。(p15)


3.Where are emergency drugs kept?



A: Depends on your clinic set-up.



4. How can you tell if your patient is breathing?



A: Watch chest, watch bag move, watch flutter valves, condensation on endotracheal tube.


