ASPCA(米国動物虐待防止協会)のホームページの記事「5 Tips to Make Community Cats Better Neighbors(野良猫をより良い隣人にするための5つのヒント)」(の「餌場を清潔に保つ(Keep Feeding Stations Tidy)」の続きです。
Even the tidiest feeding station may attract flies, especially in hot weather and around wet food. You can head off or solve complaints by feeding at sundown, when flies are less active, and removing the empty dishes before the flies start buzzing around the next morning. Cleaning dirty dishes is essential to avoid letting fly eggs and larvae develop at your feeding station.
Wildlife pests are another common cause for complaint around feeding stations, especially in urban areas where many people expect their neighborhoods to be free of wildlife. Overfeeding of cats may attract rodents, raccoons, skunks, opossums, or other wildlife. Because some of these animals come out at night, you may need to remove all uneaten food after dark. Adjust your feeding routine to address the specific wildlife at your feeding site.