For feline patients, the AVMA endorses the consensus document put forth by the Veterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization for Age of Spay and Neuter Surgery, which recommends cats not intended for breeding be gonadectomized by five months of age. The document represents a clear and evidence-based position that promotes individual animal health, contributes to effective population control, and can be communicated clearly to clients. It has broad support among veterinary medical and cat breeding associations, having also been endorsed by the American Association of Feline Practitioners, Association of Shelter Veterinarians, American Animal Hospital Association, Winn Foundation, Catalyst Council, Cat Fancier’s Association, and The International Cat Association.
猫の患者の場合、AVMAは、猫の避妊去勢手術の年齢に関する獣医特別委員会によって提出された合意文書を承認します。この文書は、個々の動物の健康を促進し、効果的な個体数管理に貢献し、クライアントに明確に伝えることができる、明確で証拠に基づく立場を表しています。American Association of Feline Practitioners(全米猫臨床家協会)、 Association of Shelter Veterinarians(シェルター獣医師会)、American Animal Hospital Association(全米動物病院協会)、Winn Foundation(Winn財団:猫の健康についての研究や教育に助成する非営利団体)、Catalyst Council(Catalyst会議:猫の健康と福祉を目指した産官学連合組織)、Cat Fancier’s Association(CFA:猫の血統登録団体)、The International Cat Association(TICA:猫の血統登録団体)からも支持されています。