猫の避妊去勢手術の月齢について、AVMA(米国獣医師会)のVeterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization(猫の避妊去勢に関する獣医特別委員会)によるRecommendations for Age of Spay and Neuter Surgery(避妊去勢手術の年齢に関する提言)にはこう書かれています。
The following key findings and proposals emerged from a review of the currently available scientific literature and group discussion:
1. Recommendations for the optimal age to sterilize cats may differ from the age to sterilize dogs.
2. Current scientific evidence documents benefits of spaying kittens before the first estrous cycle, including the following:
• Decreased risk for mammary carcinoma
• Elimination of reproductive emergencies such as pyometra and dystocia
• Avoidance of unintended pregnancies that may occur as early as 4 months of age
• Potential decrease in behavioral problems linked with cat relinquishment.
3. Current evidence does not support an increased risk for cats of complications or long-term adverse health effects with pediatric (6-14 weeks) or juvenile (>16 weeks) sterilization.