猫の避妊去勢手術の月齢について その4

猫の避妊去勢手術の月齢についての、AVMA(米国獣医師会)のVeterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization(猫の避妊去勢に関する獣医特別委員会)によるRecommendations for Age of Spay and Neuter Surgery(避妊去勢手術の年齢に関する提言)の続きです。


4. More controlled prospective research specifically examining different ages in sterilization in cats is needed. As new information becomes available, the recommended age for sterilization of cats should be revisited. 



【のらぬこの解説】ここでいう「前向き研究」とは、あらかじめ定義された集団の猫に対して様々な月齢で避妊去勢手術を行い、その後を観察して健康上の問題の発生率を比較する疫学調査法で,コホート研究(Cohort Study)ともいいます。「より管理された」とは、比較研究のため、極力均一な母集団を用いることを意味します。


5. There is potential to increase the number of sterilized cats and reduce the unplanned/unwanted litters of kittens if veterinarians routinely schedule this surgery for client-owned cats at the end of the kitten vaccination series.





Given the known benefits of sterilization and the lack of evidence for harm related to age at which the procedure is performed, the veterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization calls for veterinary practitioners and professional associations to recommend sterilization of cats by five months of age. This provides veterinary practitioners with a consistent message that may increase veterinary visits and spay/neuter compliance while reducing the risk of pet relinquishment and unwanted offspring.
